
Varia Radar Light

It’s been on my wish list for a while, but I finally purchased a Varia Radar Light (Varia RTL515) recently from Amazon, as it was on offer. However, I didn’t keep it very long and it was used for a day before returning. Perhaps I was expecting too much of it or that my use case wasn’t the best example of it. Radar The light uses radar to detect cars behind you and alert you to the fact on your head unit.

LBC London to Gravesend

It’s been a month since I attended a London Brompton Club ride, so I’d been looking forward to the one on the 20th Feb - London to Gravesend. It would take the Pilgrims Way for some of the route and having done this as part of the Whitstable ride last year, I was looking forward to it as I recalled that the scenery (once out of South London) was fantastic.

Road Traffic Collision

Heading to work on Monday morning, I had my first Road Traffic Collision (RTC). It’s not really an experience I want to go through again! I’d left for work just before 7am as I normally do when I’m riding - this gives me plenty of time to get to work and then grab a shower before I start. I’d taken the Brompton as it had been a while since I’d ridden it.

Strava Route Change

Looking at one of my PR’s on Strava today in regards to my ride in at the start of the week and I noticed some odd sections. It seems that Strava was pushing me down roads that I hadn’t actually been down. ![Strava app, showing my route not on the cycle path]( 16.07.25.png) I first thought that this was my GPS being silly and placing me in the wrong location. However, I compared the same GPS track in Ride With GPS as it is in Strava.

Month of Cycling

So July is upon us already and with it some of the hottest days of the year, with temperatures reaching 36°C in places! Anyhow, taking the idea from earlier in the year from the 30 Days of Biking challenge, I’ve decided that July that I’m going to try to and ride every day for the month. That means a tracked ride in Strava and not just the commute to work. I didn’t do it in April as I was away for business part of the time.